What is Title I?
What Is Title I?
Title I is a project funded by the federal government to provide support for those children who have special needs in basic skills. Money is allocated by the federal government and distributed to Lower Dauphin School District through the state. The amount of money our District receives is based on the number of children eligible for free and reduced lunch programs. Funds are used to provide support services to help low-achieving students improve their skills in reading and better succeed in school. At Lower Dauphin, we operate our Title I program under the name of “Reading Center”.
Is the Title I/Reading Center Program the same in every school?
The Reading Center services identified students and is funded by both federal grants and the Lower Dauphin School District. The program is offered in each Lower Dauphin elementary school to provide supplemental reading instruction for identified students. Instruction in each center is provided by a reading specialist. Each building reading specialist is highly qualified, meeting all requirements for certification by the State of Pennsylvania, including Reading Specialist Certification. Instruction in the Reading Centers correlates with the classroom literacy curriculum and targets the individual needs of the identified students.
How is a student selected for Title I/Reading Center support in the Lower Dauphin School District?
Eligibility for Title I assistance is determined by a team and considers the results of performance assessments and recommendations by the classroom teachers. Students performing below grade level in the area of reading are eligible. Once a student is determined to be eligible for Title I support, a letter is sent home to the parent explaining the program and requesting a signature for permission. Questions about the Title I program or your child's need for support should be directed to his/her classroom teacher, or the Elementary Reading Specialists.
Who are the people directly involved in the Title I/Reading Center Program?
Overall responsibility for the Title I Program rests with the School Board and Administration. Dr. Douglas Winner, Assistant Superintendent, who oversees the program. Together with the Building Principals, Elementary Reading Specialists and classroom teachers, they coordinate the efforts of the Reading Center to provide services to meet the needs of the individual children.
What does the Title I/Reading Center Program look like in my school?
Title I support in reading may occur individually or in small groups, inside and/or outside of the classroom. The Elementary Reading Specialists are scheduled to work with eligible students to help them meet with success in their school setting. Students receive help specific to their individual needs enabling them to improve grade level performance and to increase their abilities in basic reading skills.