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Homework Policy

Homework Policy


Through out the school year your child will be given homework assignments.  Most homework assignments should not take more than 15 minutes to complete.  Homework is designed to rwinforce a concept we are learning in school. Therefore homework can consist of math, language arts  or writing assignements.  Homework is fue the next school day. If your child forgets their homework I have your child redo the assignment at recess.  I never give homework on Fridays.  Occasionally, there will be projects, which will be due in a certain time frame, to be completed at home. 

In addition to classroom assignments and to help improve reading abitily, students will bring books home to read.  Each student will bring a book home that is on their own reading level. If your child goes to Reading Center, they will bring books home from the reading teacher.


Students and parents may keep track of homework assignments with the homework tracker that is sent home.